Thursday, February 26, 2009

FRIENDS - Personal Practice

I had an interesting conversation this week with a friend in which it was noted how happy an individual may be based on their relationship status.  

If you are curious, take a look on the internet to see differing perspectives.

I however, started to think about this particular report as told to me and then began a personal introspection.  Am I happy?  

I have to say, yes…but no also.  It depends on the day and the things I have going on in life.  

On a side Note:  Isn’t it all about balance?

Anyway: Regardless of relationship status, doesn’t it all depend on your mood and the day in which someone asks you a question about your happiness?  It does for me.

Which then led me to think about “profiling”, what an odd concept this seems to me as we grow and evolve throughout our lives.  Sure, we fundamentally have some base beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.  But aren’t there those of us who strive to improve and spend a little extra time not to act on our impulses?  I think so.  But then again, this is my opinion and part of my personal practice in my journey.

Then this week I was asked by a teacher to give.  I was asked to dedicate my practice to someone or something and to open my wallet and spread the wealth.

I think this was an interesting lesson as I often think before a class that I want to offer some of my practice to someone or something.  When I pass by someone in need, I always notice their plight and wish I had more to give than the occasional dollar or two every so often.  

Don’t we all do this?  Doesn’t it depend on our mood or our own personal state of happiness?

Regardless, it’s nice to be reminded to give.  As sometimes when a lesson like this is delivered it’s when it’s needed most.  And, it’s nice to have all those studies out there that give us hope and insight into the perspectives of others.  Even though we may think the results are odd or do not fit our views, it’s wonderful that we are being given something to think about.  Don’t you agree?

Set an Intention!

FRIENDS - Yoga Lesson

Friendships can be interesting.  

It’s amazing to me how we hold onto them so tightly when they are unhealthy.  How we can’t imagine our lives without them.

I made mention in class how I hold on tightly to running.  

Running has a powerful hold over me and I’m practicing letting go.  Especially as sometimes running isn’t the best of friends to me, and my body lets me know.

In my practice I’m trying new activities and it’s enriching my life.  The challenge is to let go of the comfort of this old friend, running.

What comfort do you have that is no longer serving you?  What old friendship do you need to let go of?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Practice - Personal Practice

A large part of my personal practice lately has been about relationships.

This is particularly interesting because I’ve been struggling with the loss of a couple of friendships lately due to differing approaches in life.

Sometimes a relationship is not healthy and you need to take steps to end it for your own wellbeing.  

But with reflection I’m reminded of the realization that people come and go from our lives.  

Sometimes the relationship ends with no chance of it being rebuilt, but sometimes it can be rekindled.

Today I had an old friend reached out to me, someone I haven’t heard from in a long time.  How wonderful it is to get a note from my friend.  And to be reminded that when one door closes another opens.

So I choose to look to the future, the unexpected, and the unknown.  I’ll let go of the past and the experiences and things that can’t be changed.

Set an Intention!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Take A Risk - Personal Practice

It’s all about inspiration and relaxation right now in my practice.

I have, with the guidance of family and friends, noticed that the space I go to relax in is actually a bit stressful.  I have old reminders spread out in my home that are no longer part of that which I am and tend to be negative reminders of my past, my “work” is set up in my living room, and I have all my goals spread out through the house to keep me working hard on them.

How Exhausting!

No wonder I feel tired all the time.

So with this realization I am focusing on clearing my space so that I have time to relax and enjoy myself.  I put inspiration in the spaces I want to relax in and I’ve eliminated the “goal setting” and “old reminders” from these areas. 

I’ve moved work to one room and go there to focus on tasks I need to accomplish. 

I’m replacing old reminders with new inspiration for the now and the future throughout my home.

I have narrowed down my goals to a select area in the house.  My bathroom!  I figure I spend enough time in there trying to get ready and motivated for the day so I might as well make that the perfect spot to focus on goals.

Placing my goals in this space is actually enjoyable because it takes me out of a stressful mindset on the things I “have” to do for the day and gets me thinking about how to achieve the things I’d like to do in my life.  I put up a card on my mirror that asks me “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are” and I keep coming up with different answers as I get ready for work.  It’s a new fun game I play in the morning and is helping to change my mindset.  

I can’t wait to see what goals and thought provoking ideas I put in there next!

Set an Intention!

Take A Risk! - Yoga Lesson

I have so often been caught up with the approach of “I’ll worry about that later, I can’t deal with it now”.  

This has been a very self defeating approach as all those aspirations and dreams were put to the side because the timing just didn’t seem right, though I really wanted to take that leap of faith.

Now that I see this negative approach I had been taking I’m practicing taking a positive approach by writing down the “risk” and some steps I can take to accomplish it now.  It may still take time, but I’m refraining from putting myself as a barrier to my goals.

So, what can you do to take a risk?  How can you practice making your moments what you want them to be?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Practice - Yoga Lesson

I use to think why does this person or that person seem to have all the good luck?  How do I get that kind of luck and happiness?

I would work myself to a crazy frenzy thinking if I just achieve this next thing then I’ll be happy too.  

However it always seemed that there was something else I needed to add to my list to be happy.

Now with awareness and practice I see that no matter how much I work and achieve that the accomplishments do not mean much without my personal practice of happiness.

Mastery of my happiness is up to me.  I must Practice!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Get To The Point! - Personal Practice

Sometimes you need to take a few steps back to take a leap forward.

The more aware I become of myself and that patterns that define my day to day existence, the more overwhelming it can be.

I “thought” I was moving in the direction I needed to in order to accomplish my goals, but when challenged to look at the direction I was taking I realized it all looked perfect on paper.  However it wasn’t realistic.

Sometimes your own self-motivation is not enough and you need a fresh perspective to see the flaws in all that you think you know.

So I found myself angry and frustrated this past week because I thought I had all the answers and my plan to achieve the goals I have set for myself were clearly laid out.  Now I see from a fresh perspective of someone else that I am perfect, perfectly flawed that is!  

What a relief!  

Now I can step back and work on the practice of letting perfection go (Again!).  I am free to make mistakes and give myself some more time to enjoy the art of working on my goals and relish the journey in the process.

So this week I say, thank goodness for constructive criticism!  It helps keep me a sane person.

Set an Intention!

Get To The Point! - Yoga Lesson

So many of us talk too much in order to make a point.

We think the more we stress an idea of ours the more others should understand.  

More importantly, the more we talk it through the more we may believe it ourselves.

Why not keep it simple and stop overanalyzing over talking it?  

Why not follow through and give “something” a try?  Get to the point!  Jump in!  Do it!

I too am working on getting to the point.  I do not say these words lightly as I truly understand how hard it is to make the things in life that you want happen.

Sometimes the lessons we receive are harsh, but necessary to get us moving.

So get out there and Get To the Point!