Thursday, December 10, 2009

Circumstance - Personal Practice

I’ve been feeling sorry for myself lately as I have reflected back on past circumstance.

I want things to be as they were in so many ways, but I also want what the future holds for me with the transitions I’ve made in my life.

Then it dawned on me that I haven’t been very good at practicing being in the moment.

I’ve been forcing and fighting the circumstance I’m in and complaining.  

This is not the person I want to be!

I want to be in the moment!  

I’ve decided to change my attitude and remember why I made the choices I did and to remember that every step of the way to my circumstance I’ve made the choices.  No one forced me into this circumstance.

Change can be difficult, so I’ll cut myself some slack.  It’s hard not to want some of my old comforts and ways of living life.

When I reflect back on past transitions that were difficult I know that when I settled in I found myself in a better place.  I use those lessons to remind myself to have patience.

Circumstance is a tricky and it’s important to keep myself from blaming my circumstance on others.  It was all my choice!

This is my circumstance and I embrace it!  

I want my circumstance!

If I didn’t, I have the power and choice to change it.

I’m in this moment.

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