Thursday, October 14, 2010

Simplify! - Personal Practice

I am one of the most detail oriented people I know!

I overanalyze everything! 

Considering all this over analysis, I guess you could say I'm a bit wordy and descriptive.  

Who wants to be that kid who is always saying "Could you explain that again so I understand correctly?", while the rest of the class is sighing "Oh, Not again!" 

Not me!  But, I actually am.  Ugh!

For some reason the universe is sending me the message to SIMPLIFY!

I've had multiple interactions within the last week where others are asking me to be less detail oriented.

Amazingly this has not offended me in the least!  Yes, yes, I know I overcomplicate things and overanalyze, and I've been working on it.

Detail is good, but too much can paralyze others.

I recently received a lesson in which the teacher instructed students to listen carefully.  Listen when you receive feedback, listen when you receive that same feedback again, and when you receive it the third time you better better be doing more than listening!

In regard to this lesson, I realized I've been hearing others give feedback on my detail oriented nature and I've been working on it.  But not that hard.

Now it's time to really do something about it!

It's enough that I know the detail, everyone else doesn't have to also.

This doesn't mean that I stop being detail oriented, it just means I stop trying to force it on others.  If detail is that important to me, I can follow through on it for my own sake.  When communicating with others I need to get to the point.  I need to Simplify!

Now with all this said, off I go to dig into the detail of a project!  My practice with this project is to help keep it simple and not overcomplicate it for others.

Wish me luck!  

Simplify! - Yoga Lesson

Ever notice how some things in life can feel overwhelming?

Why do we let that happen?

Possibly we get to caught up in details?

Why not approach everything with a simplistic view?

When we try to make something more than it is, we are only complicating things for ourselves.

Why not simplify as much as possible then add details as necessary?

So how about taking a deep relaxing breath, and then enjoy the moments of your life.

Accepting this moment is the most simple thing you can do!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Imagination - Personal Practice

It's amazing what a week will do to someone's perspective on life!

Last week I was struggling with growth and how painful it is to step out of my comfort zones, and this week I'm so glad I did!

In a week's time I went from being this person who was letting fear get in the way, to a fully recharged person.

How?  I took time to take the steps to make the changes I want for myself.  The steps have challenged my comfort zones and at times have been difficult and painful, but worth it!

I took a chance!  I believed in my dreams and all that I have imagined for my life.

Yes it's been work and will continue to be a lot of hard work, but I want it!  

I believe in myself and all that I have imagined for my life.

I feel excited again and anxious for the next moments and I'm thinking about how I can make a difference.

Right now I'm having a hard time believing that I ever doubted myself.

Thank goodness I believe more in all that I have imagined and want for my life.

Everyone should believe in their dreams.

So I say, let your imagination run wild and then chase it like crazy!

Imagination - Yoga Lesson

So many of us have wonderful ideas that all stem from our imagination.

Ideas come to us and we have a choice.  We can either do something with them or forget about them.

Why is it that we have great imaginative ideas and then do nothing with them?

Is is fear?

Most likely, yes!

Why not put fear aside and let the imagination take over?

Why not take an idea and run with it?

Some of the best ideas others have, most of us find ourselves saying "why didn't I think of that?"

Why not be the person who has the great idea and let's imagination take over?

We all have that capability.  It's just a matter of proactively doing something with it.

So, why not be imaginative!