To this day I feel bad about a situation in which I mindlessly made a statement and hurt someone else in the process.
I repeated something someone else had said in order to be accepted by a new crowd of friends.
I am maybe being a little harsh on myself as I was very young.
I think the lesson is valid, especially since I’ve had a lifetime of the memory of the reaction of the person whom I hurt.
That memory creeps up on me from time to time without warning and I’m left with the feeling that I could have been a better person. I often wish I hadn’t said what I did because I truly did not feel that way.
I simply repeated something said by another without thought.
I think this memory creeps back on me because it’s a life lesson I’m still learning.
When I make a statement or judgment to someone, how much thought have I really put into it? Am I really prepared to stand by the statement?
It’s a question I’ve started to ask myself more and put practice into.
I find the differing perspectives of the people I interact with daily can be a bit trying.
Everyone has their perspective on subjects or other people.
I want to have my own thoughtful opinion.
So I will practice doing just that!
Thinking and being mindful in all that I do.
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