I'm guilty! I'm that person that gets distracted by all that I could do or be better at.
I often find myself with my head down thinking hard about the things I need to be doing vs. enjoying where I'm at.
I look at myself in the mirror and see all that I could fix in my appearance to be more attractive.
I compare myself to others and think I need to try harder in order to be a better person.
I overanalyze my choices and wonder if I've made the best decision for my overall happiness. In fact I find myself fretting about choices I've made so much that I get anxious and wake up in the middle of the night.
I worry what others think of me. I hope they enjoy my company as much as I enjoy theirs.
I think I do all these things because I have a vision of what my life is supposed to look like and how it's supposed to feel.
In pursuing that vision I miss many moments. I'm blinded by my vision and walk past many opportunities.
I'm seeking "The Perfect Package" for my life.
No matter how much I practice being in the moment and being mindful, I find my thoughts shifting toward what I think is "The Perfect Package" for my life.
Once again I've found another thing I need to practice letting go of; My Perfect Package.
It's amazing how much effort and time you can put into being in the moment and still your ego and ideals of perfection subconsciously undermine you. And it's a million little things that drove each of us to define our perfect packages.
This is by no means an easy practice! Letting go of all those little things and being open to what is in front of you is challenging.
I say it's not easy because we should all do our best to be the best version of ourselves, learn, evolve, and seek out new experiences. It's also healthy to want to do things to make ourselves feel better about ourselves.
However, the moment we are in should not be disregarded. Accepting the journey we've been on and where we are is important.
So, I'll practice reminding myself from time to time that there is no such thing as perfect and I'm not too shabby in this moment.
I Am The Perfect Package Now!
If we just focus on being the best we can be right now in the moment the rest will look after itself ... but you are right, we often avoid the value of this moment by focusing on "if only" or "I hope" or ...