I’m such a creature of habit that once I find something I like I’m constantly trying to recreate it.
It’s clear that I also have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) so if a little is good then more will be better.
This is true for everything in my life!
My challenge is in recognizing when I am “Recreating” or being “OCD”.
It’s a daily practice to be present with all aspects of my life and let the moment be its own. I need to do a self check whenever I feel disappointment in someone or something.
This has been a challenge lately as I have become more comfortable with a new relationship and it has naturally started to loose some of the newness you experience with anything that transitions to a more comfortable place.
With this loss of newness I’ve found joy in the comfort, the new routines.
Interestingly I’ve had to let go of some of my personal individual routines that I’ve been comfortable with.
I’ve also had to become aware that some of the things you do when a relationship is new are not necessarily going to be viewed the same once you have more intimate knowledge of the person. You can’t recreate the feelings experienced because you are in a different place, a new moment.
The wonderful thing about all this I’ve discovered is being in the moment! With practice and letting go of expectations I find much more joy in each experience. I’ve let go of the comparison to old routines or relationships.
I encourage everyone to practice living in the moment.
It’s freeing!