Thursday, April 15, 2010

Holding A Grudge - Yoga Lesson

Sometimes negativity in the past is hard to forget and we hold onto it in the form of a Grudge.

We hold onto the grudge and feel we are justified in doing so.  

We felt wronged and need to prove how wrong that was done to us was.

We may talk about the grudge and justify behavior towards others because of our grudge.

What benefit is received by doing this?

Does it make better if we dwell on the negativity of the past and hold onto it? 
If we can practice letting go of the negative from our past and let go of grudges, then we can put that energy into the here and now.

By letting go we can focus on the positive things in our lives in this moment and look forward to the future.

The past can not be changed.  It happened.  It's your life experience.

Now go and make a new life experience!  

Breath in the fresh air of the new day!

Experience this moment.

Let it go.

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