I decided a long time ago what I need and want out of life.
I've been driven and dedicated to my ideal life.
I found I've been working very hard toward something, thinking that I just needed to keep working harder to obtain my ideal.
I kept focused on my needs and wants. I ignored my gut when it was telling me something wasn't right because I believed in all the hard work I was doing.
Then I took some time to look up from my hard work and look around me.
Unfortunately, I discovered I wasn't being compensated for all my hard work.
I actually discovered I was being taken advantage of and all that hard work was unappreciated.
Well, this discovery was a bummer!
Upon discovery of this I wondered whether I have the courage to move away from what I had been working on. Then I wondered whether I have the courage to move forward with my wants and needs after I move on.
I do! I have the courage it takes to believe in my dreams, ideals, and goals!
However, I'd be lying if I didn't make note that I'm not doing it alone.
It never ceases to amaze me how giving others are.
When I've been fearful and feeling alone it's taken a lot of courage to ignore my ego, pick up the phone, call a friend or a family member for help, explain that everything is not as great as I had portrayed it to be, and ask for support. Upon request, friends and family have always given their love and support.
Thank goodness this is still the case!
I think the reason I receive that love and support is because I do try to live by the golden rule; Do unto others as you'd have done to you.
When living with an open and giving heart, I think it's easier to notice one's ego. Ego can be pretty powerful, it tries to convince you that you are alone.
It's taken a lot of practice to refrain from listening to my ego. Which if allowed to run wild, my ego can be BIG!
I'm glad to see I still have the courage to believe in me and believe in living the best life possible.
Though, I think next time I work with someone toward shared dreams, ideals and goals I'll be a little more patient and expect they too live by the golden rule.
I'm feeling pretty Courageous!
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